Malta, NY, June 27, 2013 - Effective July 1, 2013, the Building Performance Institute, Inc. (BPI) will be recognized as one of a few selected entities authorized to provide a building energy-efficiency rating system in the State of Florida. On Friday, June 14, 2013, Bill SB269, or the Building Code Bill, which deregulates the HERS industry in Florida was signed into law by Florida's Governor Rick Scott. The legislation redefines the structure of the building energy-efficiency rating system, ratings, and the credentialing options available to professionals providing energy evaluations in Florida. Click here to view a summary of the bill.
"BPI is proud to be recognized by the State of Florida as a partner in the state's advancement of energy efficiency," said Larry Zarker, BPI CEO. "This new opportunity will make it possible for BPI's growing professional network to ensure that the citizens of Florida benefit from the industry leading standards that BPI has developed to ensure the health, safety, and energy savings of families across the country."
Zarker will be available to discuss BPI's approach at the Energy Professionals Forum, a free information session on July 11 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Registration is required, but there is no cost to attend the informational session. The event will be held in room 320H, directly above the exhibit hall during the Southeast Building Conference being held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida from July 11-13, 2013. More information will be provided as available, or watch for information about this session at
This legislation is strongly supported by industry organizations, based on the maturity of the market and the need to diversify the business opportunities for auditors and raters who offer energy efficiency services to Florida consumers and business owners.
"It's been rewarding to know that Florida is in a position to deregulate," says Doug Buck, governmental affairs director with the Florida Home Builders Association. "In the past, I had supported the idea of a sole provider at a time when the ratings and home performance industry was in its infancy. Now, as the industry has matured, with so many professionals and providers, deregulation will bring more competition, better prices and better access to the services that raters and auditors can offer consumers to make smart choices for energy efficiency in their homes, whether new or existing. BPI will be an important part of that effort."
"The Florida Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (FRACCA) applauds the Governor's decision to sign Florida House Bill 269 allowing consumers and the construction industry to have a choice of certification providers for building energy analysis and ratings," says Tom Worthmann, FRACCA President. "His action additionally provides a relief to Florida HVAC contractors holding BPI certifications from the requirement to obtain expensive similar or duplicate certifications to comply with Florida statutes. Florida has long been a leader in developing standards through certification of energy raters but the time had come to allow in programs equivalent to the State sanctioned Florida Solar Energy Center's (FSEC) rater training and certification. FRACCA looks forward to working with BPI and the other certification providers officially approved by the State."
Details about how BPI will manage the building energy-efficiency rating system, including certification and software requirements, are still in the development phase. Discussions are being held with state agencies and interested stakeholders to see what is required of BPI to best support its certified professionals and consumers in the State of Florida. BPI Test Centers are preparing to offer additional training and examination resources to support auditors, raters, and contractors in Florida who are seeking BPI certifications.
About the Building Performance Institute
BPI is the nation's premier building performance credentialing, quality assurance and standards setting organization. BPI develops technical standards using an open, transparent, consensus-based process built on sound building science. BPI is approved by the American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI) as an accredited developer of American National Standards and as a certifying body for personnel credentials.
BPI offers the following:
- National standards to ensure top quality, consistent protocols are being followed throughout the home performance and weatherization workforce
- Certification of individuals in building analyst, heating, AC/heat pump, shell/envelope and multi-family designations
- Accreditation of contracting companies committed to delivering quality home performance improvements
- Quality assurance to verify conformance with BPI sta ndards and provide feedback for continuing improvement
- Partnership with testing organizations that deliver BPI services in their market
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Building Performance Institute, Inc.
107 Hermes Road, Suite 110
Malta, NY 12020
Phone: (877) 274-1274
Fax: (866) 777-1274