After attending an asbestos training class, there are additional steps to obtain your asbestos license with the state of New York.
If you have not already attended a course, view our asbestos training schedule.
If you have not already attended a course, view our asbestos training schedule.
- If you have successfully completed an asbestos training course approved by the New York State Department of Health (DOH), your training provider will provide you with a Certificate of Asbestos Safety Training (DOH-2832) marked Department of Labor. This Certificate is the only proof the Department of Labor will accept from the applicants who attend a Department of Health approved training course. After obtaining this certificate by attending an approved training course, you can access the DOL asbestos application and instructions here: Asbestos Application Instructions and Asbestos Application for NY
- If you have successfully completed an out-of-state course or have completed a course that has not been approved yet by the Department of Health, you must obtain a determination of equivalency from the New York State Department of Health. The Equivalency Application can be obtained at the DOH or here: AsbestosLicense Equivalency Form. Make the request for a determination of equivalency as soon as possible to allow time for the Health Department to process your request.
You also need to show proof that you do not owe child support in New York State. Access this application here: Child Support Appendix to an Asbestos License Application.
Use this form to Request a Photo ID from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles if you do not have a New York State Drivers License or a non driver ID card. These are used for the picture on your asbestos "hard card" license.
What Fees are due with my asbestos application?
You must submit a non-refundable application fee for each type of certificate you are requesting. If you are applying for more than one type of certificate, you may submit one check to cover the total fee due. The NY Dept. of Labor only accepts a check or money order made payable to the Commissioner of Labor. (Please note: these application fees are separate from the fee processed for your initial asbestos training in New York State)
The code assigned and the schedule of fees for each asbestos certificate are as follows:
Code/Certificate Fees Due:
- A - Asbestos Handler $ 50.00
- B - Restricted Handler - Allied Trades $ 50.00
- C - Air Sampling Technician $ 75.00
- D - Asbestos Inspector $100.00
- E - Asbestos Management Planner $150.00
- F - Asbestos Operations and Maintenance $ 50.00
- G - Asbestos Supervisor $ 75.00
- H - Asbestos Project Monitor $150.00
- I - Asbestos Project Designer $150.00
The initial or annual asbestos refresher training used to obtain or renew your asbestos certificate must have been taken no more than one year from the date your: 1. Application is submitted or 2. Your certificate expires. Refresher training must be taken every year, regardless of the expiration date on your NYS Department of Labor handler certificate (hard card). If you wait more than two years to take a refresher course, you will be required to start all over and take an initial course. Initial and renewal applications use the same form.
Do I need a Contractor's License to perform asbestos work in New York State?Yes. Besides for your initial training and application for your individual asbestos license, you are required to apply for an Asbestos Contractor's License. You can access the Asbestos Contractor License Instructions by clicking on the link, and you can access the actual application here Asbestos Contractor License Application. Keep in mind, that you must have the necessary insurance coverage to be an Asbestos Contractor: Asbestos Contractor Insurance Coverage Form.
Is there an Asbestos Project Notification policy in New York State? Yes. You must complete this Asbestos Project Notification Form and send it to the Asbestos Control Bureau before beginning any project where you might releaseasbestos. Complete and email or fax this Emergency Asbestos Project Notification to the Asbestos Notification Unit for approval to start an emergency project, instead of calling to request the approval.
Contributor: Gregory Jaskowiak - GreenEDU Programs Manager & In-House Instructor. Greg is an EPA Certified Lead Renovator, Lead Abatement Worker, & Dust Sampling Technician.