Going green doesn't have to be hassle, and it can save you plenty of money and resources. Going green is more important than ever as the need to reduce our carbon footprint is high, and our resources are continuously decreasing. Here are some simple ways to go green in your home:
1) Decreasing Water- The easiest, and most significant way to decrease your water consumption is to limit your time in the shower. This will reduce your water and heat consumption. You can also install low-flow shower heads, which use less water but are priced similarly to regular shower heads. Although there is no immediate incentive for low-flow shower heads, they will significantly reduce your utilities bill in the long-run.
2) Decreasing Energy- There are several ways you can decrease energy consumption in your home. Because the central air conditioning unit uses the most electricity in a common home, you can start by adjusting your thermostat. 78 degrees in the spring and summer, and 65 degrees in the fall and winter is preferred. You can also invest in energy-efficient fluorescent, halogen, or LED lightbulbs. They use about half of the energy output of incandescent lightbulbs, and contrary to popular myth, they do not have health risks.
3) Using Green Cleaners- You can save money while helping the environment by creating your own home cleaners. For all-purpose green cleaning supplies, try using dissolved vinegar or baking soda mixed with warm water. An olive-oil and white vinegar mixture also functions as a polisher for wood. Using half a grapefruit and salt also function as a great bathtub scrub.
Learn more about how you can go green on your next building or design project by attending our Going Green, Being Green, Saving Green 1.5 hour webinar - approved for AIA HSW and GBCI LEED CMP Hours!