EPA Brownfields Program Grants $2M to Clean-Up Projects in NJ

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is providing a total of $2 million to communities in New Jersey to clean up abandoned and contaminated properties, called "brownfields". The funding was awarded through the EPA’s Brownfields Program, which helps communities assess, clean up, redevelop, and reuse previously contaminated properties.

The $2 million for the clean-up project was allocated between four separate organizations and counties. The Camden Redevelopment Agency received $600,000 to be used for the clean-up of volatile organic compounds and dieldrin, to develop a waterfront habitat cleanup plan, and conduct community engagement activities. Union County also received $600,000 which will fund the assessment of sites potentially contaminated by hazardous substances and petroleum. Mercer County Improvement Agency was allotted $400,000 for the clean-up of hazardous substances and petroleum as well as for the development of community engagement activities. Newark was granted $400,000 for clean-up of hazardous substances and petroleum.

EPA Regional Administrator Judith A. Enck stated: “EPA brownfields grants allow abandoned and contaminated sites to be put to good use as parks, new housing and businesses that create jobs and help revitalize communities. Not only will these brownfields cleanups produce jobs, they will protect the health of area residents, restore the environment and improve the quality of people’s lives.” To learn more about the EPA's Brownfields activities, visit http://epa.gov/brownfields/.

Brownfields Program Success
Since the inception of the EPA’s Brownfields program in 1995, cumulative brownfield program investments have leveraged more than $21 billion from a variety of public and private sources for cleanup and redevelopment activities. This equates to an average of $17.79 leveraged per EPA brownfield dollar expended. These investments have resulted in approximately 93,000 jobs nationwide. These projects demonstrate the positive impact a small investment of federal brownfields funding can have on community revitalization through leveraging jobs, producing clean energy, and providing recreation opportunities for surrounding neighborhoods. The EPA’s Brownfields Program empowers states, communities, and others to work together to prevent, assess, safely clean up, and sustainably reuse brownfields sites. Click here for more information about the Brownfields Program's Accomplishments.

Green Education Services offers a full line-up of courses for the safe clean-up of hazardous substances Visit https://www.greenedu.com/hazardous-materials to learn more.