USGBC Announces Sunset Date for LEED v3 Credentialing Exams

LEED v4 credential exams
In June 2013, the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED v4 was approved as the new version of the green building rating system, containing several updates to the existing version referred to as LEED 2009 or LEED v3. Now USGBC has announced a sunset date of June 2014 for professionals interested in taking the LEED v3 versions of its LEED professional credentialing exams. After that date, LEED v4 content will be included in the LEED Green Associate and LEED AP with specialty credential exams.

During this year's Greenbuild International Conference and Expo on November 20-22, 2013, USGBC will release updated reference guides and other corresponding materials to reflect the changes in the green building ratings systems.

Highlights of USGBC's announcement regarding the credentialing exams include:
  • The credential designation will remain the same and current credentialed professionals will not need to retest.
  • Exam candidates wishing to test with the current exams should do so before June 2014.
  • Candidates wishing to test on LEED v4 materials should do so after June 2014
If you would like to prepare for the current LEED v3 credentialing tests, Green Education Services offers preparatory courses for LEED Green Associate and LEED AP+. Gaining the certification and practice now will allow you to be grandfathered in when the new version of the exams are launched next summer.
For  more information on LEED v4 as it relates to building project certification, please visit our previous blog post at

GreenEDU Trainer Spotlight: ETC Training Services

ETC Training Services is an EPA Lead Certification and Asbestos Certification provider in Romulus, Michigan. They have a unique blend of technical expertise and practical knowledge and have been educating the public in environmental consulting for the past 24 years. They have a fully trained and certified staff and seek to provide students with the best training at a cost-effective price, striving to minimize the financial impact of the course on the client. Clients have indicated that they choose ETC because of their diverse capabilities, timely and professional work, and familiarity with complex environmental issues. Their reputation for responsiveness to client needs, while providing quality service, is largely responsible for their growing list of repeat business and referrals.

GreenEDU students gave positive feedback to the instructors. Samir M. commented: "My instructor was very knowledgeable. Took his time and explain everything through the whole class made sure we understood everything. I think this course is really good and everybody should know how much the lead could harm our kids." Fred R. described it is "effective" and "useful."

They currently have 46 upcoming courses with GreenEDU for EPA Lead Certification and Asbestos Certification in Romulus, Michigan. Their courses include:

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and local government agencies require EPA Lead Certification in order to work on certain projects that may contain lead paint. You can avoid government fines as high as $37,500 by taking the training courses and getting certified. The EPA has issued multiple certifications required for all companies and individuals who work on projects that have lead paint present. The normal requirement for an EPA lead certification is that companies must register and pay a fee with EPA (or their local jurisdiction depending on where they are located), and individuals must take an EPA-approved lead paint training course. 

Those working with asbestos must take required asbestos training courses. Owing to its strength and resistance, asbestos has been used extensively in the construction industry for decades. Unfortunately, however, it is a highly hazardous material and a great potential health risk for those exposed to the substance. Therefore, per local and federal standards, any contractor involved with asbestos abatement projects must attend an accredited training program and get certified, or else face serious fines.

ETC Training Services provides certification for both of these fields on multiple days to meet the needs of the individuals they serve. To see all available courses and dates, check out their page

About ETC Training Services
Established in 1989 as a multidisciplinary environmental consulting firm, the ETC family of companies now offers a full range of professional, technical and training services, with offices located throughout Michigan and in the Chicago area. Their clients include industrial corporations, commercial businesses, law offices, lending institutions, government agencies, schools, and homeowners, among others. ETC specializes in providing cost effective solutions to environmental problems, as well as comprehensive site evaluations and development of programs for complying with government regulations. The company's unique blend of technical expertise and regulatory experience allows them to provide services which focus clearly on minimizing your environmental liabilities.

Visit ETC Training Services' page for more information at

Kansas Town Going Green After Tornado

An interesting and inspiring article, posted by USA Today, examines the traumatic event that shaped the town of Greensburg, KA on May 4, 2007. A tornado struck the small town of 1,600 people that damaged 95% of structures, killing 13 residents and injuring 60 others. Many people doubted if the town would ever go back to the all American, farm country it used to be. Prior to the catastrophic event, Greensburg, KA was known to have the largest and deepest hand-dug well in the world. "The Big Well," as it claims, is 109 feet deep and more than 30 feet in diameter. It was completed in 1888 and served as the town's main water supply until 1932, thereafter, declaring it a national museum in 1972.

The Big Well declared a national museum in Greensburg, KA
The Big Well museum staircase
There were many volunteers and workers to help aid the community almost immediately after the tornado hit. The Kansas Department of Transportation sent trucks, ambulances, safety equipment and volunteers to help. The U.S Forest Service set up a base camp and provided residents with more than 36,000 meals after the storm. Additionally, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) implemented hundreds of mobile homes that housed about 300 families.

Since the six years after the tornado hit, Greensburg has dedicated itself to becoming a green city, and is now one of the country's top owners per capita of LEED platinum certified buildings. The town owns a half dozen LEED-certified platinum buildings, which include the town's City Hall and the Kiowa County Memorial Hospital. The streetlights are LED (Light Emitting Diodes), and the town is run on renewable energy.

Initially, some residents were hesitant about re-creating the town in a sustainable way, skeptical of greenwashing and the actual benefits they would see from it. BNIM, a Kansas design firm that specializes in environmentally-friendly design, came in and presented a recovery plan that illustrated how it could be beneficial to the town and its residents. Gradually, residents began to embrace the idea of rebuilding with a green focus, and decided to accept the challenge. After eight months since the tornado, the city council of Greensburg decided that all large buildings exceeding 4,000 square feet would become LEED platinum certified and must use renewable energy sources.

Greensburg was covered by an incredible amount of media coverage since the tornado event. Two television series and several books were developed in the telling of how the town becomes green. In 2007, Discovery Channel created a mini series, Greensburg, and starred environmental activist/actor Leonardo DiCaprio which documented the town's reconstruction. The series ran for three seasons. Similarly, a four-episode series, Build It Bigger: Rebuilding Greensburg, premiered in November 2008 on the Science Channel. A book called The Greening of Oz, by Robert Fraga, was about the towns reconstruction as well.

For other towns that have faced similar damage in recent years, such as Tuscaloosa, AL and Joplin, MO, the dedication and perseverance of Greensburg and its green initiatives serve as inspiration for rebuilding. These cities have followed in Greensburg's footsteps and solicited advice for re-building their towns, recognizing the opportunity to create positive change after such devastation for the towns.

To learn more about the LEED green building rating system, visit or register to attend our FREE Intro to LEED webinar.

An Introduction to Mold

Mold can be found almost anywhere and can grow on any surface as long as oxygen and moisture are present. It classifies as part of fungi and is able to survive by ingesting plant materials and organic resources needed for plants, such as water. The most common places for mold to grow are bathroom tiles, window areas where moisture is present, foods, and insulation. Mold growth and spores cannot be eliminated entirely indoors but can be controlled by monitoring the indoor moisture intake, as high humidity leads to mold formation because of the amount of moisture in the air.

Mold can result in several health effects, including headaches, allergens, odors, asthma attacks and hypersensitivity pneumonitis (developed from short or long-term exposure to mold). The symptoms depend on the age, sensitivity of certain individuals and the duration of exposure to mold. Mold has also been found to cause common skin diseases, such as athlete's foot and other conditions. In homes, corner areas of rooms tend to be higher in mold formation because the humidity at the area is higher than the adjoining areas. Mold consists of mold spores, which are present in indoor and outdoor surfaces. Some spores are easily transferred into the air, while others stick to the walls and are removed by contact. Mold gradually destroys the material it grows on, so the best way to maintain a building or surface is by removing the mold immediately.
                                                                                                                                     Mold growing on decaying wood
outdoor mold forming on wood from moisture
Mold Toxins (Mycotoxins)
Molds produce toxins called mycotoxins and are found within mold spores. Exposures to mycotoxins can be from inhaling, ingestion or contact with skin. There have been more than 200 mycotoxins found in mold spores. These particular mold spores are commonly found in abandoned buildings with high moisture content.

The most studied and recognizable mycotoxin is called Aflatoxin B1 and is produced by molds "Aspergillus flavus" and "Aspergillus parasiticus." This mycotoxin is known to be a carcinogen and has been linked to liver and lung cancer. Aflatoxin B1 has been found on human contaminated food, such as peanuts and grains, but not commonly found in buildings or indoors.

Not all molds can produce toxins and some produce mycotoxins in certain environmental conditions. Other chemicals produced by molds are airborne and are known as microbial volatile organic compounds (mVOCs). These are common reasons for the odors associated with mold. Certain exposures to these odors result in headaches, nausea, dizziness and fatigue. Glucans, small fragments of mold cell walls, are a reason for irritation or allergic reactions in lungs and/or airways. Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome (ODTS) results from long exposure or elevated exposure to glucans. Buildings and indoor surfaces routinely should be inspected for mold formation and controlled by monitoring moisture intake and humidity.

Mold inspection courses train individuals the basics about mold and how to become an inspector. If you are a health professional or interested in becoming a mold inspector, take a course with Green Education Services.

A Look Inside Construction, Its Health and Safety Hazards

Construction workers make up about five to ten percent of the workforce in industrialized countries, according to the International Labour Organization. In less developed countries, construction work is handled by migrant workers. Many unskilled laborers work in construction for financial security, while others are trained and skilled in a variety of sectors, including roofers, elevator constructors, carpenters, bricklayers and tunnel workers. Since many construction workers are hired on a contract basis, many have other jobs or are hired for many projects sporadically at a given time. Projects have different phases of construction and most commonly use carpenters, electricians and plumbers followed by floor finishers and painters. There are currently 1.9 million construction contractors in the U.S, identified by the 1990 Census. Additional data revealed that only 28% had full-time employment and about 10 to 15 percent had any affiliation with trade organizations. Because of the minimal amount of participation, many contractors are not identified and informed of their responsibilities and rights under applicable health and safety or any other legislation or regulations.

Construction workers risk being exposed to safety hazards on the job. This exposure can vary from trade to trade on a daily basis. Occasionally, any exposure is short lived but likely to reoccur if safety precautions aren't met. In addition, contractors risk being exposed to those working above or around them. Each trade worker has a different set of health hazards he or she would have to be conscious about and sometimes licensed to handle. Electricians, for instance, risk being exposed to heavy metals in solder fumes, heavy loads and asbestos dust. The four categories of hazards for construction workers are chemical, physical, biological and social.

Unsafe scaffolding in Kathmandu, Nepal, 1974
                             Jane Seegal
unsafe building construction poses risk for workers
Chemical hazards are usually airborne and appear as gases, dust, fumes and vapors. Other chemical dangers include liquids, such as tar or glue. Asbestos, now banned in the U.S, still poses a health risk for previous building materials that are changed or re-structured. Insulation workers, roofers, welders and woodworkers have previously been exposed to asbestos related illness. Licensing and certification is now required of all contractors who work with or around asbestos containing material.

Physical hazards include cold and heat, radiation, barometric pressure and vibration. Construction work is a requirement and is often done in extreme temperature settings. When machines operate or testing is done with materials, noise becomes an issue and affects not only the worker performing the work but others close by. This can lead to potential
hearing loss and mishearing other important trade-related and safety communication. Straining postures and other injuries are dangerous when not performed correctly or for too long. Carpel tunnel syndrome and low back pain are common disorders developed by physical risk in construction.

Biological hazards result from exposure to certain organisms, fungus, and/or toxic substances from a biological source. Workers can be exposed to certain diseases, such as malaria, yellow fever or lyme disease if working closely in areas involving insects or organisms. Workers are also working close to others nearby and, as a consequence, could potentially spread the disease.

The social hazards in construction are a result of the frequent turnaround and the indefinite amount of work assigned, either because of the state of the economy or weather, can be stressful. Many project sites require longer hours and different locations. Because of this, workers tend to be away from their families and living in work camps, which reduces the amount of social time and support. Language barriers can also be stressful when working around others who speak another predominant language.

Workers and employers receive training and education in construction safety, required by federal law. This leads to a much lower number of health and safety hazards and improves the support of other contractors.

For more information about asbestos training, click here. 
To find and register for a course in other construction safety and training, visit

New Study By Perkins+Will Claims Reasonable Costs for Hospital LEED Certification

A recent study conducted by Perkins+Will, a global architecture and design firm, has found evidence that the additional costs required for pursuing LEED certification for hospital facility projects are not as high as previously believed. The findings revealed that the average capital cost premium for LEED-certified hospitals under 100,000 square feet was just 1.24% and 0.67% for hospitals over 100,000 square feet. The study was titled, "LEED Certified Hospitals: Perspectives on Capital Cost Premiums and Operational Benefits" and was administered by Robin Guenther, FAIA LEED AP, Breeze Glazer, LEED AP from Perkins+Will and Gail Vittori, LEED Fellow, from the Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems.

The group used data collected from several interviews with project teams representing 15 LEED-certified hospitals completed between 2010 to 2012. The study amplified previous research performed in 2008 from Guenther and Vittori, which investigated the capital cost premiums for 13 LEED certified health institutions. These healthcare buildings included hospitals, ambulatory and mixed-use facilities. The combined studies found cost premiums ranging from 0-5 percent - 2.4 percent in 2008 and 1.24 percent in 2012. The study concluded that the average additional costs for hospitals over 100,000 square feet was only 0.67%.

Because of the current economical state, many health institutions have focused on ruling out unnecessary capital costs. This research shows, however, that though there is actually a very small cost difference between green and conventional hospital construction. Additionally, achieving LEED certification, especially for a healthcare facility, is very beneficial for its resources and energy, as well as maintaining overall human health. Guenther states, "LEED certification is in fact one of the most sound investments a hospital can make in today's economy. It delivers measurable economic, environmental and human health benefits."

Since 2008, LEED certification has become a national guideline for healthcare facilities to save money and encourage positive impacts on the environment. Hospitals take up as much as 2.5 times more energy per square foot as an office building, and historically use a substantial amount of carbon dioxide, responsible for approximately eight percent of the country's total carbon dioxide usage. Sustainable hospitals are able to restrict greenhouse gases, conserve natural resources, and preserve air and water quality. These crucial reasons behind LEED certified healthcare buildings have already inspired many facilities over the last ten years to go green, starting with the first LEED certified hospital in 2003. Hopefully as cost data continues to become available, such as that presented in the Perkins+Will's study, more facilities will be able to justify and implement LEED and sustainable design practices.

About LEED

LEED, Leadership in Energy and Efficient Design, was created by the U.S. Green Building Council and provides building owners and operators a structure of implementing and refining environment-efficient and practical building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions. LEED can apply to all building types including schools, homes, commercial interiors, healthcare and residential communities. LEED certification grants a building or facility accreditation for performing and operating in important areas of human and environmental health. Green Education Services offers a variety of LEED and other courses required for sustainable architectural design.

Learn more about LEED for Healthcare facilities - register today for GreenEDU's two-hour live webinar Sustainability for Healthcare Facilities.

GreenEDU Trainer Spotlight: Certified Renovator School

Salt Lake City, UT- Certified Renovator School is an accredited training company that provides businesses and individuals EPA required certification for lead renovation, repair, and painting. Their staff are licensed and have taken the appropriate training to provide students with quality instruction and applicable instruction. Certified Renovator School is a relatively new company, being in business since 2010, and has grown tremendously in this short amount of time. Their mission to keep children safe from the severe health risks of lead poisoning has driven them to become a leader in safety training in Utah.

GreenEDU students have provided positive feedback for Certified Renovator School. Richard J. commented that, "[The] instructor was well based in her knowledge of the subject." Macklin S. stated that the instructor "had a fantastic learning atmosphere and was very interactive with the class. Great hands on teaching, knowledge of the materials and laws."

Certified Renovator School currently has several upcoming EPA Lead Renovator Certification Initial courses in Salt Lake City, Utah.

As of April 22, 2010, anyone who performs renovations, repairs, or painting in pre-1978 housing or child-occupied facilities must be EPA Lead Safe Certified. Individuals and firms that are not certified could face fines of up to $37,500 per day.

The Lead Renovator Certification Initial course is 8 hours in length and includes both EPA-approved lead safety training and certification. Any contractor performing work on pre-1978 homes or child-occupied facilities must employ at least one Certified Renovator who has successfully completed this training. Companies must also be registered as a Lead Safe Certified Firm with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The course concludes with a 25 question exam.

Lead poisoning is still a persistent problem in the nation. Children exposed to lead can experience health risks later on in life, such as criminal behavior, lower IQ, and higher blood pressure. Adults exposed to even small amounts of lead are at higher risk for seizures and heart attacks. Help remove this hazard and get certified as a Lead Renovator!

About Certified Renovator School
Certified Renovator School (CRS) has been associated with and approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Division of Air Quality, and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) since 2010 when the Renovation, Repair and Paint (RRP) Rule was established. Our instructors' have 16 years worth of experience working with the State of Utah, the Labor Commission, the Occupation Safety and Health Agency (OSHA), and the Department of Human Services. As an instructor of lead-safe work practices, CRS is committed to teaching the health effects of lead poisoning on children, workers, and others who come in contact with lead based paint.

For more information and registration, visit

Green Physical Needs Assessment (GPNA) Classes Available

As of July 2013, in order to measure the impact of government funding and develop management practices to implement capital towards the most effective energy efficiency solutions in the units of Public Housing, The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has developed a Green Physical Needs Assessment (GPNA) tool as part of a new Public Housing Authority (PHA) process.

The GPNA tool includes a comprehensive list of components (site, building exterior, building systems, common areas, and units) with measurable line items that make up a complete PNA. The GPNA’s components are based on the Public Housing Capital Fund Financing Program Form-52829, green physical condition assessments, Uniform Physical Condition Standards (UPCS), and other building industry components.

With this new process, before the assessment can begin, HUD data must be fully reviewed, edited and in accurate form down to the building and unit level detail. All PNA Submissions to HUD, including previously exempt small PHAs, must be done through the new PNA tool. In order to gain knowledge, PHAs will have one year to submit PNAs and energy audits using the new tool.

From the tool, aggregated capital needs can be identified in several areas of need including: Replacement, refurbishment, accessibility, marketability/livability, and sustainability needs.

Unit-cost, based on the industry cost chose by the PHA, and Effective Useful Life (EUL), used as the basis for the replacement of components as they meet the end of their life cycles, are applied to all building/site components in the PNA. These are entered in the Cost Libraries in the tool.

The inspection-based tool collects Remaining Useful Life (RUL) information for each component, as well as the quantity for each component on the inspection forms for each of the component categories.

These basic entries--EUL, cost, RUL, and quantity-- are used by the tool to automatically calculate and create a 20 year cost projection for each Development/AMP. Other capabilities of the tool can expand the functionality for PHAs.

Compatible with Windows-based Microsoft Access® application, Windows desktop PCs, notebook PCs, and/or network computers, the tool may also be configured on handheld devices.

To view available informational courses about GPNA, please visit, or you may call our office at 646-564-3546 and one of our associates will be happy to help you.

Asbestos: Its History and Facts

Asbestos fibers pose a health hazard to occupants
Translating to "inextinguishable" in Greek, asbestos is made up of oxygen, hydrogen and other metal ions. The needle shaped fibers that are a part of the dangerous substance cannot be seen by the naked eye unless the concentration in the air is very thick. The three most common forms of asbestos fibers are chrysolite, amosite and crocidolite. Asbestos became popular back in the 19th century because of its resistance to fire, heat and electrical damage. There are a variety of building components that contain asbestos such as pipe, block and cement insulation, friction materials including brakes and clutches, ceiling tiles, and others. Asbestos becomes very harmful when these materials break, fall apart or get into the air. When materials containing asbestos are released into the air, the chemicals released can stay airborne for a long period of time. This allows the substance to be inhaled by people and cause damage in the lungs, known as mesothelioma.

The Federal government put a delay on the production of asbestos in the early 1970's. However, products containing asbestos continued to be installed throughout the 1970's into the 1980's. The first case of asbestos-related disease and lung cancer associated with Asbestos involvement was diagnosed in the United States in 1906. Years later, researchers began to notice a large number of asbestos-related lung problems in mining towns. In 1939, the Congressional Library of Congress published its first book on the cancer-causing effects of asbestos. Of those who have been exposed to asbestos through their occupation, there is a long period before symptoms (of a malignant case) appear in humans, about 12-20 years. There are studies that confirm a higher risk of asbestos cancer in smokers than in non-smokers. The use of asbestos was completely banned in the United States in December 2003.

Green Education Services offers a selection of asbestos courses required that accredit individuals and builders working in an asbestos containing environment. Appropriate training is very important in the safety and health-conscious planning, remediation and timing in an asbestos removal project.

Many buildings and homes built today do not contain asbestos material because of the proven health hazards. Asbestos-containing materials that are not broken or damaged are not likely to pose a health risk to humans. Asbestos containing materials release harmful chemicals into the air when the material is damaged in some way. For slightly damaged asbestos material, it is best to avoid touching or going near it. If changes are to be made in a home or building that might contain asbestos,  professionals are required to repair or remove the material. There are two main accredited asbestos professionals that are legally trained to handle Asbestos-containing material. Asbestos inspectors inspect a home or building, review conditions, take samples of suspected materials and advise the safety precautions. Asbestos contractors repair and remove asbestos materials.

A list of the some of the Asbestos-related courses GreenEDU offers are:
  • Asbestos Awareness
  • Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor
  • Asbestos Worker/Handler
  • Asbestos Inspector
  • Asbestos Management Planner
  • Asbestos Operations & Maintenance
  • Asbestos Project Designer
  • Asbestos Air Sampling Technician
A list of FAQ about Asbestos certification can be found here.

View all of GreenEDU's Asbestos Training dates and locations at

Yankee Stadium Hits a Greener Game

Yankee Stadium goes green and helps environment, along with sports teams.
New York has been diligent in its efforts in going green. One of the many green initiatives contributed by the Big Apple includes the famous Yankee Stadium. In 2009, Yankee stadium purchased over 33 million kilowatt hours in renewable energy certificates, which encompassed 100% of the stadium's purchased electricity usage for the next two years. The Stadium's supplier, Hess Energy, uses its power in bulk buying to purchase enough certificates from high-quality, green energy producers. This helps the Yankees reach their green goals and saves money and energy for the environment.

Later in 2009, the Yankees started to utilize another Hess Energy product called C-Neutral, which compensates for the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the teams natural gas energy consumption by investing in sustainability projects. Yankee stadium has also improved their lighting system - each lighting fixture above Yankee Stadium consumes approximately 300 fewer watts than a typical lighting fixture found in other sports venues. These are important contributions for a sustainable lighting system and make a difference by saving nearly 207,000 pounds of CO2 during one night game. This data emulates to one tree being planted for every pitch of the home season!

Beverage cups at Yankee stadium are made of biodegradable material, instead of petroleum-based plastics. This makes recycling much more feasible. Any waste is carried out through composting and recycling cardboard, glass, metal and plastics/paper and about 40% of Yankee Stadium's trash is moved away from landfills. This is a great contributor towards maintaining fewer trash pickups and trash trucks on the road - another awesome green initiative. Each year, Yankee Stadium succeeds in saving 3.1 million gallons of water because of its improved plumbing system and also reduces the water consumption by 22%. Another important fact, Yankee Stadium now uses GoJo hand soap, which, amazingly, doesn't require water for use. It is estimated that close to one million gallons of water will be saved, per season, if this soap is used by every guest who attends Yankee Stadium. 

Sports teams around the country are now becoming more green than ever before. In 2010, The Green Sports Alliance was formed to connect sports venue operators, sports team executives and environmental scientists to discuss information about environment-friendly initiatives and find solutions to challenges that reduce cost and preserve resources.  A recent report released by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) recognizes the sports industry's efforts on going green, and how the industry is encouraging fans around the country to do the same. The report is detailed with a collection of case studies of the most prosperous and innovative practices identified in the sports industry.

It's an excellent idea for sports teams to take on green initiatives. Sports are a major influence in American culture and are followed by millions of Americans every day. Sports bring an astounding number of people and backgrounds together. Because of the dedication of its fans, sports teams and leagues should do everything in their power to get the message across about the importance of environment-friendly planning and practices.


Want to learn about green building and LEED certification? Register for a course with GreenEDU!

U.S. Schools Going Green to Save Green

students taking on green initiativesGoing green is one of the best ways to sustain a healthy and pleasant work environment. This also applies to students as well.  It is estimated that 20% of Americans go to school every day and are targets of its energy, water and resource efficiency. It is crucial to implement effective and safe guidelines and practices so students can get the most out of their education.

However, because of the economic state and budget costs, schools all over the country have been struggling with basic maintenance and repair costs, let alone trying to justify allocating funds towards improving energy efficiency.  What many people don't realize, however, is that going green and conserving energy actually helps schools save money and time in the long run. Rachel Gutter, director of the Center for Green Schools, part of the USGBC, explains, "This is something you can't afford not to do. A green school … is actually one of the only opportunities, in a moment when budgets are already stretched so thin, to be able to unearth funds that are available for the taking."

Loveland High School in Ohio saved $350,000 in one year by installing motion sensors on light fixtures and swapping out light bulbs for more energy-efficient models. Loveland was one of 26 U.S. high schools recognized as a Green Ribbon School by the Department of Education and the Center for Green Schools. In total, 78 schools—50 percent of which serve high poverty areas—were honored for their commitment to the environment.

Officials at another Green Ribbon School, Gladstone High School in Oregon, created a Green School Club, which helped save $250 per month from the school's electrical costs by conducting energy audits. Some schools even negotiate with their boards to retain a portion of the savings generated by their green teams.

A new elementary school in Lexington, Kentucky opened this year with several green features; school lighting is amplified by light from solar tubes and the school's toilets are flushed with collected rainwater. These are great ways to help the environment and allow students to perform better academically and stay healthy.

New York has also put in their efforts for a greener education. Staten Island's newest and greenest elementary school, PS 62, will be the first net zero energy school in New York City. The sleek building is covered with a photovoltaic skin able to generate enough power to sustain the school. The school is set to open in the fall of 2015 to 444 students. Additionally, the school is designed with a solar thermal system and efficient heating and cooling equipment to minimize energy use and cost.

Secondary education schools are also leading the way in going green, including these top-ten university leaders recently recognized by the Sierra Club:
  1. University of Connecticut
  2. Dickinson College
  3. University of California, Irvine
  4. University of California, Davis
  5. Cornell University 
  6. Green Mountain College
  7. Stanford University
  8. Georgia Institute of Technology
  9. American University
  10. University of California, Santa Barbara
Efforts are also being seen inside the classroom to help educate students on environmental issues and sustainable practices. The Maryland State Board of Education enacted a policy in 2011 that requires all Maryland high school students to be “environmentally literate” before they graduate. The measure is also being considered for expansion on a national scale. 


Want to learn about green building and LEED certification? Register for a course with GreenEDU!

Sports Now Becoming Green

Sports are one of the most popular activities in the United States. In recent years, sports teams and venues around the country are doing more to help the environment and the health of the public.

Several examples have made the news lately, such as the Seattle Mariners, who use energy efficiency techniques that reduce their electricity consumption by over 90% and reduce energy costs by $50,000 per year. LEED Silver certification was recently awarded by the U.S Green Building Council for the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn, home of the Brooklyn Nets. Marlins Park received 40 points toward LEED Certification, thus becoming the most sustainable stadium in Major League Baseball. Nationals Park was the nation's first major professional stadium to become LEED Silver Certified by the U.S. Green Building Council. Pennsylvania State University's Beaver Stadium has diverted nearly 30 tons of recyclables per year from local landfills. One of our very own GreenEDU team members took a tour recently of the impressive LEED certified Twins Stadium.

green sports teams and LEED buildings giving change to environment

By providing education on sustainability, organizations, entrepreneurs and employees are devoting their time and efforts to achieve LEED-certified buildings and practices. Commercial buildings and sports venues, amazingly, make up 20% of our country's energy use and carbon pollution at a cost of more than 100 billion per year. Focusing on green development strategies such as increasing energy efficiency, reducing water use, and implementing recycling programs help reduce harmful carbon pollution and costs. Bob Perciasepe, editor of the EPA Connect-The Official Blog of EPA's Leadership, states, "We’re counting on a strong partnership with our sports organizations to help us face this challenge: to curb carbon pollution, adapt to the changing climate and help educate fans about the benefits of protecting our environment."

To facilitate this, the EPA recently released a "Green Sports Resource Directory"to provide teams with resources and solutions to cutting energy use and implementing sustainable strategies.

Support is also available from a non-profit organization called the Green Sports Alliance. Formed in 2010, the organization has "brought together venue operators, sports team executives and environmental scientists to exchange information about better practices and develop solutions to their environmental challenges that are cost-competitive and innovative. " The Green Sports Alliance currently boasts 72 member teams and over 100 venues across 7 sports leagues.

One of the many reasons why sports teams are becoming green is to achieve sustainability. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions in which humans can exist in a productive environment that fulfill the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations. The many benefits that arise from greening your business or organization are:
  • Social and environmental responsibility
  • Reduce operating costs
  • Decrease waste and disposal costs
  • Create and expand markets for green products and services
  • Improve employee safety using green products
The green movement provides and sustains a multitude of health benefits that protect the environment, increase health safety for people and reserve regional resources. For many years to come, more organizations, companies and individuals will go green.

Image Source:

Chicago Benchmarking Ordinance Passes

The City of Chicago is making strides to improve its sustainability efforts. The City Council passed an ordinance requiring buildings in the city to compare energy consumption to other similar-sized buildings and allow the city government to make these findings publicly known. For Chicago, buildings over 50,000 square feet will be monitored and included in the reports.

To measure consumption, the city will use Portfolio Manager, a free online service the US Environmental Protect Agency (EPA) created. With this system, the information is automatically sent to the City where it is then reviewed by whomever the city has appointed for a three-year term--such professionals include an engineer or an architect. From there, the city will compile the data and release an annual report, tentatively set for January 2015 to allow time to gather the appropriate information.

The EPA's Portfolio Manger has proven to be a successful tool for energy management. A previous project showed businesses saving 7% on energy form 2008--2011. Analysts project if Chicago and save 5%, they will have an investment of $250 million. This investment is expected to help the environment by cutting emissions, while also creating jobs in the city, which will help by improving the economy and business revenue.

Current Chicago mayor, Rahm Emanuel, proposed this idea to the Council. It is expected to impact the city positively by creating jobs and helping the environment. According to Mayor Emanuel, the initiative will improve "Chicago’s growth as a capital for green jobs by arming building owners, real estate companies, energy service companies and others with the information they need to make smart, cost-saving investments.”

The bottom line is to assess the current energy situation so improvements can be made and the saved capital can be invested in other areas.

There is huge support for this new ordinance, and about 80 organizations in the city are in favor of measurement because they believe it is a step in the right direction for green buildings and energy consumption. There is also national attention from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, who have teams in each continent to take action against greenhouse gas emissions.

Other cities in the US have seen success with the Portfolio Manager, including New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Minneapolis, Boston, Seattle, Austin, and San Francisco. California and Washington participate statewide in this initiative.

Green Education Services is pleased to hear that Chicago is making such great strides to consider ways to save energy. Of the many classes we offer, we have a webinar about Introduction to Energy and Atmosphere, which provides an overview of the kinds of issues Chicago is going to monitor. To register for this class, please visit

GreenEDU Trainer Spotlight: AEHS, Inc.

AEHS, Inc. provides environmental consulting services in San Antonio, Texas. They currently provide a wide range of courses including EPA Lead Certification, Asbestos Certification, and Hazardous Materials training. They have served San Antonio for 18 years and continue to provide their students with quality education and excellent customer service. They strive to offer students training that will allow them to be successful in consulting while staying safe and saving money.

Students have praised the instructors in previous courses. Jeff R. commented, "[The instructor] was passionate and insightful in his presentation of what is often confusing and contradictory government regulations. It's dry material and his commitment to the environment infused the class with meaning. The hands on portion was surprisingly effective in pulling together the information. I am currently involved in two projects which require my certification. I was able to thoroughly and confidently communicate to my clients the risks of exposure, what we are doing to minimize that, and most importantly, why it is worth the cost."

Nathaniel J. agreed, stating, "The information was comprehensive, easy to follow and not overwhelming. The delivery of the material was great. [The instructor] did a very good job overall getting us prepared."

AEHS currently has several upcoming courses in San Antonio. Some of the training courses they currently offer include:

They offer several initial and refresher courses in multiple disciplines. Additionally, they offer EPA Lead Renovators Certification Initial training in both English and Spanish to meet the needs of their students.

AEHS offers several courses for asbestos certification. One of their most popular courses is the Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor course. The Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor training is for any individual who performs supervision of persons permitted to enter the restricted and regulated asbestos abatement work area. The supervisor is also responsible for performing the duties of the OSHA competent person for the asbestos project, consistent with current EPA and OSHA regulations. Training for asbestos abatement professionals is required under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 (AHERA), which is the authority under which EPA issued the EPA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan.

About AEHS, Inc. 
Since 1995, AEHS, Inc. has offered a full range of environmental, occupational health, safety, consulting and training services. Based in San Antonio, AEHS works with clients in both the public and private sector throughout the State of Texas including hospitals, municipalities, private industries, school districts, and military installations. Specifically, AEHS' personnel have conducted research on the health effects of asbestos exposure, and have testified before Congressional Hearings on asbestos. Additionally, they have been the primary advisors to the Surgeon General of the Army and effected over 40 changes to the current OSHA regulation on asbestos, 29 CFR 1926.1101 Asbestos in the Construction Industry. The San Antonio Business Journal continues to list AEHS, Inc. on its list of the Largest Environmental Engineering and Testing Firms. AEHS' professional experience and expertise provides our clients with the resources necessary to complete the project successfully, within budget, and on time while reducing risk and liability.

For more information and registration, please visit

USGBC Shares Insight on Member Companies and Chapters

USGBC recently reported that its company members work in and are part of a community of 13,000 organizations that support green building through their every day actions in sustainability. Member companies are geographically universal and include a strong network of support across nearly every type of industry. USGBC relies on its company members to help move the green building industry forward. USGBC offers four membership levels that represent different engagement and commitment levels: Organization, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. The average length of an organization's USGBC membership is five years.

USGBC chapters also play a great role in advancing USGBC's mission, by implementing education and LEED certification training, and connecting with media and policymakers. Green building councils are also forming around the world to lead change for better buildings and education. They consist of full-time staff members and volunteers to drive their projects forward. The total number of USGBC chapters is currently at 77, with 29,955 members and 139 staff (part time or full time). The USGBC chapter community has created a presence in all 50 states and countless local communities. Many professionals in a wide variety of industries utilize the sustainable building knowledge and resources provided by these local USGBC chapters.

To date there are ten chapters in the Pacific region, nine in the west region, 16 in heartland region, five in the south-central region, 11 in south-east region, eight in Florida-Caribbean region, seven in upper north-east region and 11 in north-east corridor region. Local USGBC chapters are critical because they create educational, advocacy-related and community based events that support the growth of green building in their geographical areas.

For 2013, USGBC chapters focused on the following areas:
    Green services of USGBC chapters
  • 64% established common ground around green schools
  • 60% implemented better building codes
  • 58% provided green building tour
  • 52% have leadership with LEED
  • 47% working towards State Capitol Advocacy Day
  • 38% highlight green homes
  • 37% improve energy data access
  • 37% mainstream building benchmarking
  • 32% promote healthy and efficient affordable housing

USGBC recently highlighted some of its local chapter activities taking place across the U.S.:

    Chapters' collaboration and media placements
  • Urban Green Council published a green building plan to introduce to NYC's next mayor to move the green building movement in New York further.
  • Detroit Region and Western Michigan Chapters worked simultaneously to plan a successful USGBC green schools event at the AIA Green Schools conference in Lansing, Mich. on June 25, 2013.
  • The Missouri Gateway Chapter launched their High Performance Building Initiative to increase square footage of third-party verified green space in the St. Louis region, and secured 18 local business signatories to the initiative. 
Chapter membership has also been shown to help professionals develop other important skills, such as strengthening their leadership and managerial skills. Membership also provides networking opportunities with fellow chapter members across the country, access up-to-date USGBC education and resources, and resources to help make a strong impact in their community. 

For more information on USGBC's LEED green building rating system, and to learn how you can join the sustainable design movement, visit

Green Education Services Partners with NeoCon East To Offer Pre-Expo LEED Training

These two green-initiative businesses partner to promote education and new ideas. 

September 13, 2013- New York City--Green Education Services (GES), a Manhattan-based green jobs training firm, announces their partnership with NeoCon East, an influential design expo, as they co-host a preparatory course, LEED Green Associate Exam Prep, on October 15, 2013 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The class kicks off NeoCon East’s 11th annual trade show at The Baltimore Convention Center on October 16-17, 2013.

Green Associate is the introductory-level credential for LEED, and demonstrates a general understanding of all the LEED rating systems. GES’s interactive, collaborative LEED Green Associate seminars provide an introduction to green building and sustainable design principles, specifically as they relate to USGBC's LEED green building rating systems.

The seminar combines important primary sources into an accessible, comprehensive workshop, creating a focused and organized study path for exam candidates.The goal is to prepare individuals to pass the LEED Green Associate exam on the first attempt, which is the first step in becoming a LEED professional.

This is a wonderful partnership that allows green design professionals an opportunity to further their credentials while experiencing the innovative industry ideas and products the conference is featuring.

To register for the training, please visit or call 646-564-3546 and one of our representatives will be happy to assist in enrollment.

NeoCon East Design Conference
NeoCon East has made its trademark as the premier design exposition and conference for commercial interiors on the East Coast, with a special focus on showcasing products on the GSA schedule. Hear more than 30 CEU-accredited programs and keynote speakers, engage in networking events and discover new building resources, materials and products first hand. 

Green Education Services ( provides building design and construction industry professionals with world-class sustainability, energy efficiency, and LEED® certification training. With an expansive training network that reaches over 300 cities across the US, as well as internationally and online, GreenEDU provides students with access to convenient, quality, affordable training by top-notch instructors.

Irelyn Akers
Marketing and Media Intern


USGBC Makes Strides in Green Efforts Data Collection

The U.S. Green Building Council broke news last week that they’ve been able to compile figures about each state and their various green initiatives. All 77 chapters of USGBC assisted in collecting the data.

Some of the highlights include:
  • Approximately 4.3 million U.S. residents live and work in LEED-certified buildings
  • Sources show LEED-rated properties are worth more than those properties that are not LEED-rated and that people searching for properties are more likely to rank LEED-certified buildings on the top of their desirables list
  • Solar panels will shortly return to the roof of The White House after 32 years
USGBC has made available the Snapshots from all of the states. These documents are detailed with numerical figures that represent the green initiatives within the state. The document also includes the state’s ranking in terms of total LEED commercial buildings. The collection of this data is important so that the green building community can assess where the strengths and weakness are and move forward.

Green Education Services’ home state of New York boasts 11,417 LEED Professionals, 757 LEED Certified commercial buildings and 1,591 LEED Certified residential units.

Here are additional highlights from other leading states:

  • Ranked #1 in total LEED commercial buildings
  • The state has 5995 LEED certified residential units
  • In terms of land, CA has 316 LEED certified square feet
  • Ranked #2 in total LEED commercial buildings
  • They have 9650 LEED professionals
  • Ranked # 7 in total LEED commercial buildings
  • The state has 8635 LEED professionals
  • LEED Certified K-12 and Higher Education projects: 114
  • Ranked #13 in total LEED commercial buildings
  • They have 6324 LEED professionals
  • 486 LEED certified commercial buildings

All of these states are pulling together with the aim to improve the sustainability of building projects. Next year, they hope for increased figures, moving towards a greener America.

To review your state’s standings from USGBC's data, click here.

Green Education Services proudly offers classes in numerous green initiatives including LEED Exam Prep, Green Building Continuing Education, and Energy Efficiency, just to name a few. If you or members of your company need certification in these fields or in another discourse, please visit our website for further details.

Man Sentenced to 14 Months in Jail After Lying About Lead-Based Paint Certification

Lead certification enforcementPortland, OR- This past July, Vancouver, Washington resident Martin Glaves Kuna, age 66, was sentenced to 14 months in prison after he plead guilty to one count of wire fraud. Kuna deceived his customers by stating he was certified to perform lead-based paint inspections and testings. He worked in homes where children resided despite the fact that he did not have the proper certifications from the state. Kuna advertised his services from 2008 to 2012, stating he was qualified to perform lead-based paint inspections. He performed over 10 inspections during this time.

In 1992, the Environmental Protection Agency passed the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act in an attempt to protect children who resided in homes with lead-based paint. Children, when exposed, can experience a variety of negative side effects, including loss in IQ, poor memory, and seizures. Studies have shown that children and adults exposed to lead are more likely to become involved with crime and murder.

Without the proper training, inspectors may endanger the lives of the residents in the homes they are inspecting. Kuna inspected a home where children were present and informed the owner that there were no lead dangers where hazardous lead was indeed present. Children in several of the homes Kuna inspected experienced an increased in their blood lead levels.

In 2012, EPA investigators told Kuna he must stop his work since he lacked the required training and certification. Kuna, however, ignored the EPA and continued to falsely advertise his skills.

U.S. District Judge Michael H. Simon told Kuna in his trial, "The bottom line is, the actions you engaged in put children at risk. Our society just cannot allow that."

In Washington, to become a Certified Lead Inspector individuals must attend a 24-hour approved training course, and register with the Washington State Department of Health for $25. A third party exam must be passed to secure a Lead Inspector license. The Inspector must also work for a Certified Firm,  which requires that every three years the company must register with the state as well for $25. Certified Firms must meet the current minimum requirements of the department of labor and industries regarding a surety bond and insurance, or have a liability, errors and omissions, insurance policy in the minimum amount of five hundred thousand dollars.

Want to become certified to work with lead-based paint? GreenEDU offers initial and refresher courses so that you can earn and maintain your certification! Register for a course in your area!

An Inside Look At LEED Accredited Professionals

The green building industry continues to expand and become more mainstream in the United States and globally, significantly due to a growing number of professionals who have trained in green building practices and are advocates for the movement. Many of these professionals have earned a LEED credential to designate their expertise. These credentials include the LEED Green Associate; LEED AP (Accredited Professional) with Specialty; and LEED Fellow. The professionals who have achieved these designations cross-path a variety of careers from mechanical engineering to marketing. The green building movement recognizes a LEED credential as one that will continue progress and enhance the sustainability, safety, and security of buildings. Buildings that are LEED-certified have been proven to be higher in value and because of the effort and education involved in becoming green.

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) was created by U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and is a voluntary, consensus-based, and quantifiable rating system for green building. LEED has become the most popular and widely recognized green building rating system in the world. LEED can be applied to individuals and buildings but LEED Accreditation is for individuals while LEED Certification is for buildings.

Green credential data
Here are the descriptions of the various certificates and designations for the LEED Professionals Movement:

LEED Green Associate
A LEED Green Associate demonstrates a solid and current foundation in green building principles and practices.

LEED APs with Specialty
Advanced knowledge in green building as well as expertise in a particular LEED rating system.

LEED Fellow
A LEED Fellow denotes highly accomplished individuals nominated by their peers. LEED Fellows are LEED Aps with Specialty who have more than 10 or more years of experience in professional green building.

In order to become a LEED AP you must pass both the LEED Green Associate and a specialized LEED Accredited Professional Exam. Each LEED exam is 2 hours long and is comprised of 100 multiple choice questions. It is scored on a scale of 125 to 200 with 170 being a passing grade. The allotted time for each exam is 2 hours.

USGBC reports that there are currently 186,476 total LEED Professionals, including LEED Green Associates, LEED APs with specialty, and LEED APs without specialty. There are 187,428 total LEED credentials held, including the total number of credentials held by LEED professionals, many of whom have earned more than one credential.

Earning a LEED credential allows one to be a leader in a variety of different industries, from architecture to electrical engineering. Architecture remains the most common profession of LEED accredited professionals with 28,905 credential holders, with Construction Management, Mechanical Engineering, Project Management, and Interior Design rounding out the top five sectors.

Industries focusing on Green Movement

The top ten locations for accredited LEED professionals are:
  • California: 11,881
  • New York: 5,997
  • Texas: 5,071
  • Illinois: 4,650
  • Florida: 4,620
  • Virginia: 3,670
  • Georgia: 3,223
  • Massachusetts: 3,196
  • Pennsylvania: 2,972
  • Colorado: 2,949
For more information on USGBC's LEED credentials, and to learn how you can join the green building movement, visit

BPI's Residential Energy Efficiency Upgrade Certificate Standard Published as BPI Standard

For immediate release from the Building Performance Institute, September 11, 2013:

Malta, NY - The Building Performance Institute, Inc. (BPI) is proud to announce that its BPI-2101-S-2013: Standard Requirements for a Certificate of Completion for Residential Energy Efficiency Upgrades has been published as a BPI standard.

"Created for the real estate sales process, BPI-2101 is designed to promote accurate valuation of energy efficiency by standardizing the way energy efficiency improvements are represented," said Robin LeBaron, managing director of the National Home Performance Council and co-chair of the BPI working group that developed the standard.

BPI-2101 identifies a standard set of data elements for certificates that document the completion of a whole-house energy upgrade (HEU) or individual energy conservation measures (ECMs) in existing homes. A certificate that complies with the requirements of this standard can be issued to homeowners by home energy upgrade programs or by entities implementing nationally recognized third-party quality assurance programs for inclusion in Multiple Listing Service (MLS) databases during the home re-sale process.

"Most of the data required for a more transparent transaction is already being captured by energy efficiency programs," said Anne Evens, CEO of CNT Energy, an organization instrumental in garnering stakeholder involvement for the development of the standard. "Standardizing and communicating this information makes upgrades visible and accessible at the time of a home sale, and encourages homeowners to invest in energy efficiency improvements. This helps efficiency programs meet goals, and benefits the real estate industry, homebuyers and sellers, and the environment."

The data elements in BPI-2101 are aligned with four other standards to promote consistency and transparency in the real estate, appraisal, and energy efficiency program industries: BPI-2200-S-2013 (Standard for Home-Performance-Related Data Collection), which serves as a data dictionary for the home performance industry; BPI-2100-S-2013 (Standard for Home Performance-Related Data Transfer), which defines a common standard for transferring energy efficient data; the Real Estate Transaction Standard (RETS), which defines a common standard for transferring real estate-related data; and the Appraisal Institute's Residential Green and Energy Efficiency Addendum, which provides appraisers with a standard template for collecting data about a home's energy efficient and other "green" features.

BPI-2101 was developed by a working group created by BPI's Standards Technical Committee (STC) and comprised of subject matter experts representing a broad variety of interest categories and geographical locations.

BPI-2101 is also currently in process to become an American National Standard. Once approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), it will be republished as an ANSI/BPI standard.

Click here to view the new Residential Energy Upgrade Certificate standard.

CNET Energy 
About CNET Energy
CNT Energy combines rigorous research with effective solutions to help consumers and communities control energy costs and become more energy efficient. We design and implement programs and conduct research in the areas of dynamic electricity pricing, building energy efficiency, and regional energy planning to achieve significant savings and job creation for low-income communities. Visit for more information.

National Home Performance Council About the National Home Performance Council 
The National Home Performance Council is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to encouraging improved home energy performance using a whole-house approach. NHPC seeks to advance the home performance industry by facilitating coordination and alignment between public and private sector stakeholders; developing standardized practices; and conducting research, analysis and education. Visit for more information.

New BPI Registered Color Logo  
About BPI
BPI is the nation's premier building performance credentialing, quality assurance and standards setting organization. BPI develops technical standards using an open, transparent, consensus-based process built on sound building science. BPI is approved by the American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI) as an accredited developer of American National Standards and as a certifying body for personnel credentials. For more information on BPI, visit

USGBC Provides Snapshot of the Current Green Building Industry and Its Occupants

The U.S Green Building Council consists of environmentally conscious professionals who introduce healthier energy efficient buildings to the market. Many members of the USGBC organization help reduce waste and carbon emissions, increase energy efficiency and improve air quality, health and wellbeing. Rick Fedrizzi, President, CEO and founding chair of USGBC explains,
"Our forward-thinking community members rely on local USGBC chapters for support to carry out this work as USGBC itself looks to its member companies to champion the movement through the buildings they build and operate; the products they create and manufacture; and the policies they advocate that help advance this important work."
The green building market is estimated at $96-140 billion with 835 million square feet of construction in 2013, according to McGraw Hill Construction Outlook 2009. USGBC estimates that more than 4.3 million people are living and working in LEED certified buildings, with more than 6.2 million people experiencing a LEED-certified project each day. Interestingly, researchers found that workforce health and happiness to safer, greener, working environments and fewer hours commuting to traffic. Professionals have found that improved performance and workflow have improved greatly and building performance has benefited from reduced energy usage. Since 2011, The USGBC has been tracking the performance of LEED buildings that are reporting their energy and water data.

LEED has brought sustainability on the development of mainstream of building design and construction. In 2013, the number of green building professionals was eight million and 35% of all U.S construction jobs are green today and are helping the community.

green building industry statistics from USGBC

One of the most recent projects from USGBC was for Park Central 7 in Dallas, Texas in 2011. Tenants were interested and participative in the LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and
Maintenance certification. Important steps in Central Park 7's green initiative were changes to pest control procedures that eliminated all use of chemicals and an annual energy savings of $20,800.

These green initiatives are important because they provide education and awareness about the health hazards of non-LEED certified buildings. More organizations every day are becoming green and demonstrating the importance of the USGBC's mission to provide environment-friendly practices. Because people understand the long term effects of pollution, asbestos, lead and other harmful contaminants, buildings who took the time and effort to become LEED certified are worth more on the market than non-certified buildings. In the future, most, if not all, construction jobs will become green and workers will become LEED certified. One of the goals of the USGBC is to introduce the green effect, universally, and provide education about the importance of sustaining a green environment for the future. The rate of LEED-certified buildings in the U.S was 44% in 2012 and is continually growing to a predicted rate of 55% in 2016. By then, more than half of the U.S will participate in the green movement.

For more information on USGBC's LEED credentials, and to learn how you can join the green building movement, visit

GreenEDU Trainer Spotlight: Long Island Safety Training

Amityville, NY- Long Island Safety Training is a New York-based training center that provides EPA Lead Certification and OSHA training. At GreenEDU, we are excited to work with such a well-rounded, accredited company. Each instructor at Long Island Safety Training has had many years of experience in the field and bring their own perspective and expertise when teaching. They are knowledgable and flexible, able to train larger groups on-site and in English or Spanish if needed. They custom tailor their training programs to meet the unique needs of their students and are proud to support their clients and community by continuously providing expert training.

Students have had only positive remarks about their training programs. Tony C. raved that, "The instructor, Lonny was completely thorough and methodical in his approach. He never rushed anything. I would hope to be lucky enough to have him again."

Timothy E. stated, "Lonny Davis made the class interesting and the time pass quickly by explaining the parts of modules without making them difficult. I would definitely take an additional certification classes especially if Lonny is going to be the instructor." Their authorized instructors strive to help their students to gain insight into EPA and OSHA requirements, allowing for safer, more productive work environments.

Long Island Safety Training currently has multiple upcoming courses with GreenEDU including an EPA Lead Renovators Certification Initial training course as well as an OSHA 10-Hour training course.

Anyone who performs lead renovations, repairs, or painting in pre-1978 housing or child-occupied facilities must be EPA Lead Safe Certified. Individuals and firms that are not certified could face fines of up to $37,500 per day.The Lead Renovator Certification Initial course is 8 hours in length and includes both EPA-approved lead safety training and certification. Any contractor performing work on pre-1978 homes or child-occupied facilities must employ at least one Certified Renovator who has successfully completed this training. Companies must also be registered as a Lead Safe Certified Firm with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Additionally, Long Island Safety Training has an upcoming OSHA 10-Hour Construction Industry training course. The OSHA 10-Hour Construction Industry Health & Safety course teaches OSHA regulations and standards as they apply to the construction industry. The course covers practices of identifying, reducing, eliminating and reporting on-site hazards. It also teaches safety awareness and assists workers in recognizing and reducing risks in the workplace. This course is intended to provide an entry level construction worker general awareness on recognizing and preventing hazards on a construction site.

About Long Island Safety Training
Long Island Safety Training instructs classes that provide an initial and basic overview of key OSHA Construction Industry Standards for workers and novice safety professionals, along with EPA Lead Renovators certification trainings for renovation firms. Their educational safety programs are flexible, allowing them to individually tailor their trainings to suit any organization's industry related, site-specific safety needs. They have on-staff, knowledgeable instructors that have years of experience in the industry, and They also offer classes in both English and Spanish.

For more information and course registration, please visit

Sample AIA Contract Documents Are Now Available For Interns and ARE Candidates

Sample AIA Contract Documents Are Now Available! AIA Contract Documents are the most widely used standard form documents in the design and construction industry. These forms and contracts define the relationships and terms involved in design and construction projects. The appropriate contracts can prevent conflicts and help create more successful collaborations between industry professionals.

Interns and candidates for the Architect Registration Examination (ARE) should utilize these AIA Contract Documents as study materials for the Construction Documents and Services Division and when completing activities in the Emerging Professional's Companion, an online resource to gain IDP credit. Sample documents are now available online for interns and ARE Candidate use. You can access these documents here.

Additionally, ARE Candidates should register for an ARE Exam Prep course. Sign up for a course with GreenEDU!