How to Become an Asbestos Contractor in New York

Looking to become a certified Asbestos Contractor in New York? Below are the steps you need to take to properly register and become certified to perform asbestos abatement in New York. Visit our previous post on obtaining a New York Asbestos License For additional details and frequently asked questions.
  1. Attend an accredited Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor training course, which is 5 days in length.
  2. Apply with New York Department of Labor for Asbestos Supervisor Certification: View Application ($75.00). NOTE: There are no 3rd-Party examinations for Asbestos Certification in New York. 
  3. Fill out Application for Asbestos Handling License to register as an Asbestos Contractor. All firms, corporations or other business entities providing management planning, project design, monitoring, inspection and/or air monitoring services shall obtain an Asbestos Handling License. A non-refundable fee of $500 for a first time license and $300 for a renewal license must be made payable in the form of a check or money order to the Commissioner of Labor. View Application.
  4. Additionally, an “Application for Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance” MUST be filed as proof of acceptable Workers’ Compensation Insurance in New York State. The License and Certificate Unit at the address shown below should be entered in the ‘to be filed with’ and ‘change or cancellation’ sections of the form. Such certification may be obtained from the Workers’ Compensation Board district office nearest to you.
  5. Disability Insurance is required in New York State if the applicant is a “covered employer,” i.e., if one or more of the applicant’s employees is employed in New York State for at least 30 days in any calendar year; the 30 days need not be consecutive. An applicant who is a covered employer must submit a copy of his/her Certificate of Disability Insurance (DB-120.1) or DB-155 - Certificate of Disability Benefit Self Insurance. An applicant who is not a covered employer must submit a CE 200 – Certification of Attestation of Exemption issued by the Workers’ Compensation Board.
Certifications are valid for one year, and contractors must take an annual Asbestos Supervisor/Contractor 8-hour refresher course. Failure to take refresher training within two years from expiration date will require applicants to retake initial courses. 

Have additional questions on becoming a New York asbestos contractor? Give us a call at 1-800-355-1751 and we'll be happy to assist you.