GSA stated that the Committee considered the following when forming a recommendation:
- GSA's Green Building Certification System review report evaluating green building certification systems
- Interrelationships among green building certification systems and recently promulgated green building standards (i.e. ASHRAE 189.1 and the IGCC)
- Federal high performance building design, construction and operations requirements
- Metrics to inform building performance tracking and reporting
- Consideration of cost effectiveness: how high performance in buildings can reduce the total cost of ownership
- Public listening sessions were held to solicit verbal and written feedback from stakeholders as the review group considers the topics outlined above.
The recommendation is also supported by a recent study completed by The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), which found that GSA LEED certified buildings used 25 percent less energy than the national average and cost 19 percent less to operate. GSA first evaluated certification systems in 2006, when it identified LEED certification to be used in the Federal sector.
GSA first evaluated green building certification systems in 2006, focusing on new construction and major renovation. LEED was recommended at that time as well for use in the Federal sector.